The Waiting Game
Yes we're still waiting. I know that everything is going to happen in God's perfect timing but I am going crazy! Everyday I wonder, is this going to be the day? I try to think of interesting things to post because there is nothing new on the waiting front. Absolutely nothing. I talked to our social worker. She is SOO GREAT! She calls us to just check in. I assume that we are being shown to potentials, but as agreed they are not going to tell us every time we are shown, unless it is a "special" situation. I am happy about this because it would just drive me absolutely nuts if she were showing us to tons of potential birthmothers and we kept getting rejected or something.
What happens is when a pregnant woman contacts the agency to say she wants to place for adoption she talks to a social worker and views profiles that fit her specifications during her first visit. This woman can be 7-9 months along in her pregnancy. It depends. Once she goes through a few more sessions and chooses you, you get a call.
There are other situations where, a woman can give birth and decide while she is in the hospital that she can not parent her child and then the agency is called and she gets to choose amongst a group of profiles, and you get a call.
Both of these calls may result in a face to face meeting (with social workers present).
So like I said before we're still waiting. Waiting......Waiting....... Waiting.
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