Wednesday, November 10, 2004

An Ode to Quentin (some parts not for weak stomachs)

Introducing the sweetest, cutest nephew in the WHOLE WORLD! This is my brother's son Quentin and I just love him to pieces. Cle and I had the pleasure of spending the whole day with him this past Sunday and except for a little poop mishap where Auntie had to swoop down on him and basically hurl him into the shower we did good. Cle and I get a chance to spend a lot of time with Q, so we've had a little practice, but boy did he put one on us Sunday! He'll be 2 in March so he is at that stage where you know he is taking a poop because he gets in a corner (for privacy I guess) and gets really quiet! I left him to his business until I heard a wet one go loose and runny poop proceeded for lack of a better word RUN down his legs EWwww! (good thing he took his own pants off about an hour before) Oh the best part, Q-boo proceed to laugh from the pit of his little stomach and RUN (like his poop)!!!!!!!!!! I had to catch him and toss him in the shower. He loved every minute of it. I think he liked seeing Auntie go a little crazy.

But we made it through! He is such a happy and pleasant baby. I mean he is like any other almost two year old. He runs around the house, messes with everything and loves to play. But he doesn't mind laying down for a nap, he loves giving kisses and he laughs and keeps you laughing ALL the TIME. From the day he was born I have always called him Auntie's Sweetheart oh and Q Boo, Q Boodles, Quentin McNinton, Snuggle Bug (this is a new one) Baby Genius (I forgot to mention I have crowned him the Cornell West of his generation, beecause he is just sooo smart!) I can only pray that our child is as sweet as he is. Then again he has not hit the terrible two's yet. Stay tuned.
Quentin Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cle and Sylvie,
I'm enjoying reading your adoption blog. I have an adoption blog, too, although my blog is more on the informational side. Hope you'll take a look and link to my site! I've put a link to your blog on my site.

6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tibby, Cle...what can I say, you guys are gonna make me cry. I think this is all wonderful and whatever blessed baby that God sends to your home will be so fortunate to be surrounded by the love you guys will pour into him or her. (And also the love all of us aunties and uncles.) You two are so special, and I love you all and support you 110%. In the spirit of supporting you one hundred and 110%, if you need practice with kiddies, I can let you borrow ALL of mine or just our special middle child (LOL)!
Tibby, I can't wait to tell my new nephew or niece about the scotch tape!!!!!! LOL!!!!
Me and hubby are praying for you! If you need anything, give us a call...remember the offer to send you kids to practice with...
-Bubba's mom

11:00 AM  
Blogger Tanqueray said...

What a little cutie!!! Those cheeks!!!

I have two children via international adoption. I'm going to blogmark your blog so I can rejoice with you when you bring your child HOME!!!

8:56 PM  

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