Expectant Parents with No Due Date!
We had an education session at the agency last night and we talked with our social worker and we are now officially what they call WAITING!!! All of our paperwork is complete. We are approved as parents and good citizens in general, the homestudy report has been completed, approved, filed and whatever else they do with it! !
So what does all this mean? This means that the dear birthmother/profile letter that we wrote will start being shown to potential birthmothers. When the agency hears from women (and couples) wanting to place their child for adoption. And that family seems to fit our "requirements" our social worker will pass our profile along to that family to review.
There is a chance that more than one birth family can be reviewing our profile. If two families choose us, we will have to decide which we feel that best fits us a match.
So questions questions questions! Are we READY!! Uh I guess! I think mentally we are ready as we can be, we have been wanting this for a while...... Physically? Well we have started to buy some baby basic baby items and we will be working on becoming more prepared. In all the other ways, I don't know how ready can you really be! Are we nervous? Yes! But in our hearts of hearts we know that God already has our child out there for us. That child that he has planned for us to have. Whether we are matched with him/her next week, next month or next year. We know that it is all in God's plan and we will end up with who we are supposed to end up with and who is supposed to end up with us.
So here we are just hanging around waiting for what God has in store, HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!
We are in the Waiting Stage
When a birthmother chooses us we and we meet and we all agree we move to being labeled Matched.
Once the baby is born and the birthmother decides to continue with her plan to place her child with us we are labled PLACED. Stay Tuned!
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