Monday, September 20, 2004

What if No One Likes US?

As we go further on our journey, everything seems to get more and more unpredictable! Whoever thought this process is easier than giving birth...I don't know. Ok maybe physically this is easier, but this whole adoption process thing is just so unsettling at times! I mean there is just so much paper work, so many requirements , so many things you have to do before you can move to the next step and on top of all that, you don't even have know when the baby is coming!

Right now in order to complete the homestudy and be officially approved as parents we have to have a home visit to our house. Now Cle and I are waiting for someone to call us to give us the name of the social worker who will actually call us. Then once we have the name we can expect a call from that person, to set up an appointment to come to our house. She'll come to our house, make sure it's safe and clean, interview us based on how we answered the questions in our autobiography and then she will compile a report based on all of our information. That report (the homestudy report), is sent to the adoption agency and we are approved as parents! Whoo HOO! Then the wait starts. Our dear birth mother letter goes out to potential birthmothers and she decides if she likes us. This can take a week, it can take a month it can take a year! There really is no way to tell. It is all based on whether or not a birthmother likes our letter and our pictures (the letter includes a layout of pictures of us interacting with family, our home, on vacation, with our dog.)

My Fear, WHAT IF NO ONE LIKES US! What if they look at our pictures and think we don't look happy enough? What if they hate the photos of our house? I mean there are so many things that can deter a person! I know I sound like a 5 year old starting kindergarten. I know that everything will work out just fine. Everything is just so unpredictable. It is all really based on someone liking you on paper and choosing you to raise a child they are going to carry and give birth to! That is tough.

And contrary to popular belief women giving their babies up for adoption aren't all drug addicts and teenagers too young and dumb to protect themselves. Birthmothers come from all different walks of life, educational background, and financial status. Most birthmothers seriously contemplate the placement of their child. Our next educational session will be with actual birthmothers who have placed their children for adoption. Just so that we can get an idea of how they make their decisions, and get a better understanding of where they are coming from. That should be interesting..... Stay tuned.


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