Thursday, January 20, 2005

Not in Labor Yet

We are almost a week past the due date and still nothing as far as we know. Our agency has been calling us letting us know that nothing has happened yet. So we continue to wait.

In the meantime. With the recent events of the adoption case in Florida, people have been questioning me about birth parent rights and my concerns about the birth parents wanting their child back. Laws vary from state to state, but with adoption there are a lot of risks. In the case in Florida with little Evan. His adoption was not finalized and his birthfathers parental rights were not terminated. Prayerfully everything will be in order with the adoption of our child and as far as we know so far both birthfather and birthmother have agreed to terminate their rights (in the state we are adopting from this can not be done until the baby is 3 days old).
To get a better understanding of the case in Florida and how it relates to adoption in general, click on the link and visit one of my FAVORITE blogs, chookooloonks Karen has explained it way better than I can.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with your adoption. The waiting part sure is hard. I hope everything works out for you! -- Mike

10:57 AM  

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