We got a call from our social worker the other day and she said that a potential birthmother chose our profile! Oh and by the way it's a boy, and he is due on January 15th!!! Yes Everybody NEXT SATURDAY!!
Cle and I are so excited we don't know what to do. But we are proceeding with caution, as you recall a birthmother has 3 days after the baby's birth to change her mind. So we are only telling some of our family and friends. We are telling our family and friends and prefacing it with "If everything goes according to plan......."
Although we haven't had a chance to meet the potential birthmother, we do have information from her and some of her medical background. She had a list of questions for us that she sent through our social worker. We answered them for her and she seems happy with the responses. We are very happy with the information that we have received through the agency about her. We don't want to go into specifics about why she is placing or anything about her. Not that there is anything bad, we just feel that we want to respect her privacy just as we would like her to respect ours. We are comfortable with everything that we know and that is what's important. She has been receiving prenatal care so as far as we can know the baby is doing fine.
Whatever happens we know that the child that God has for us, is for us. We already have a place for our children in our hearts . We have been just grinning and smiling every since we found out! I am just in awe of how my whole life is about to change drastically! The emotions are on overload, I am excited and nervous about the future all at the same time! Will she decide to place? Are we going to be good parents? Am I ready to be sleep deprived? Questions, Questions Questions!
So keep us in your prayers everyone, however this situation works out, we are going to need it!