Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Happy Turkey Day to All, and To All a Happy Turkey Day!

Can you believe it's that time of year again? This year has really flown by fast. Cle and I are preparing to drive down to Estill, South Carolina along with my brother, his wife, my niece and Q boodles. This should prove to be an adventurous Thanksgiving trip. We rented a van and we are leaving at around 9, 10 pm so that we can drive through the night and hope that Q sleeps most of the 12 hour drive.

We are excited about visiting my mom. She moved down to SC back in early April for a change of space. A self proclaimed city girl all her life this was just what she needed. I am the only one who has been down to see her so it will be fun for the rest of the family to see the one stop light town, with the courthouse, town hall, and police station all in one building. The closest Walmart is about 45 minutes away and even though there are two grocery stores in Estill , there are no fast food joints in town with the exception of a Blimpee sandwich shop in the gas station. Oh and I haven't told the rest of them that they wont be able to get cell phone reception in Estill , there isn't a tower for most carriers for miles!

But oh what peace! Estill is just sooo peaceful! The people are so friendly, a far cry from the city of brotherly love. Hopefully we will all come back a little more at peace and a little more thankful. Enjoy your Thanksgiving everyone! Whether you're spending time with family and friends or spending time alone. Let this time of year serve as a time for reflection on your blessings in spite of what you don't have, what you think you should have, what you wish you
had and what you know you should have. Be joyful in spite of your circumstance "a joyful spirit is evidence of a grateful heart"- Maya Angelou

Monday, November 15, 2004

The Waiting Game

Yes we're still waiting. I know that everything is going to happen in God's perfect timing but I am going crazy! Everyday I wonder, is this going to be the day? I try to think of interesting things to post because there is nothing new on the waiting front. Absolutely nothing. I talked to our social worker. She is SOO GREAT! She calls us to just check in. I assume that we are being shown to potentials, but as agreed they are not going to tell us every time we are shown, unless it is a "special" situation. I am happy about this because it would just drive me absolutely nuts if she were showing us to tons of potential birthmothers and we kept getting rejected or something.

What happens is when a pregnant woman contacts the agency to say she wants to place for adoption she talks to a social worker and views profiles that fit her specifications during her first visit. This woman can be 7-9 months along in her pregnancy. It depends. Once she goes through a few more sessions and chooses you, you get a call.

There are other situations where, a woman can give birth and decide while she is in the hospital that she can not parent her child and then the agency is called and she gets to choose amongst a group of profiles, and you get a call.

Both of these calls may result in a face to face meeting (with social workers present).

So like I said before we're still waiting. Waiting......Waiting....... Waiting.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

An Ode to Quentin (some parts not for weak stomachs)

Introducing the sweetest, cutest nephew in the WHOLE WORLD! This is my brother's son Quentin and I just love him to pieces. Cle and I had the pleasure of spending the whole day with him this past Sunday and except for a little poop mishap where Auntie had to swoop down on him and basically hurl him into the shower we did good. Cle and I get a chance to spend a lot of time with Q, so we've had a little practice, but boy did he put one on us Sunday! He'll be 2 in March so he is at that stage where you know he is taking a poop because he gets in a corner (for privacy I guess) and gets really quiet! I left him to his business until I heard a wet one go loose and runny poop proceeded for lack of a better word RUN down his legs EWwww! (good thing he took his own pants off about an hour before) Oh the best part, Q-boo proceed to laugh from the pit of his little stomach and RUN (like his poop)!!!!!!!!!! I had to catch him and toss him in the shower. He loved every minute of it. I think he liked seeing Auntie go a little crazy.

But we made it through! He is such a happy and pleasant baby. I mean he is like any other almost two year old. He runs around the house, messes with everything and loves to play. But he doesn't mind laying down for a nap, he loves giving kisses and he laughs and keeps you laughing ALL the TIME. From the day he was born I have always called him Auntie's Sweetheart oh and Q Boo, Q Boodles, Quentin McNinton, Snuggle Bug (this is a new one) Baby Genius (I forgot to mention I have crowned him the Cornell West of his generation, beecause he is just sooo smart!) I can only pray that our child is as sweet as he is. Then again he has not hit the terrible two's yet. Stay tuned.
Quentin Posted by Hello

Gavin is
Lilypie Baby PicLilypie Baby Ticker