Thursday, March 31, 2005

We're Moving

Since our adoption journey basically over, I have decided to start a new blog all about the joys of motherhood. You can find me and Gavin at

Looking foreward to seeing you there.

Friday, March 25, 2005

oh the colors.JPG

oh the colors.JPG

Happy 2nd month birthday to Gavin!


Wednesday, March 16, 2005

I was able to post PHOTOS!! YEY!

Well here is your dose of Mr Gavin, isnt he a cutie patudy!? So if you read my post from the 15th youu will see that I am trying to start a new blog to record all of Gavin's milestones. I want a really cool name for it. Right now I am thinking of the Chronicles of Gavin (like the Chronicles of Riddick), let me know what you think, post your suggestions. I would like to get the blog up and running by next week.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

1/2 A Smile


<<021_21.jpg>> <<043_43.jpg>> <<051_51.jpg>> <<060_60.jpg>> <Smiling.jpg>>

In His Swing


<<021_21.jpg>> <<043_43.jpg>> <<051_51.jpg>> <<060_60.jpg>> <Smiling.jpg>>

Here's Gavin in his swing. He doesn't look like he is enjoying it!

Gavin Smiling.jpg

Gavin Smiling.jpg

<<021_21.JPG>> <<043_43.JPG>> <<051_51.JPG>> <<060_60.JPG>> <Smiling.jpg>>

I hope this works.

Gavin in Black and White


<<021_21.jpg>> <<043_43.jpg>> <<051_51.jpg>> <<060_60.jpg>> <Smiling.jpg>>

I am Sick of Pictures, Give Me That Camera!


<<021_21.jpg>> <<043_43.jpg>> <<051_51.jpg>> <<060_60.jpg>> <Smiling.jpg>>



Ok here are new pictures of Gavin. I hope I do this right, I am trying
a new program.
<> <<043_43.jpg>> <<022_22.jpg>> <<051_51.jpg>>



Ok here are new pictures of Gavin. I hope I do this right, I am trying
a new program.
<> <<043_43.jpg>> <<022_22.jpg>> <<051_51.jpg>>



Ok here are new pictures of Gavin. I hope I do this right, I am trying
a new program.
<> <<043_43.jpg>> <<022_22.jpg>> <<051_51.jpg>>



Ok here are new pictures of Gavin. I hope I do this right, I am trying
a new program.
<> <<043_43.jpg>> <<022_22.jpg>> <<051_51.jpg>>


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Starting a New Blog

Hi everyone. Sorry I have been so slow to post. Cle and I are totally enjoying parenthood to the fullest! Gavin is almost 2 months old, growing in leaps and bounds, getting cuter every single day and he seems to be very very happy!

I apologize I can not share his cuteness with you here on the blog, my computer at home acting crazy and I cant seem to post pictures from my computer here at work. If you'd like to see updated pictures of our little man, email me or post a comment and I will send you updated photos.

Since our adoption journey is basically over, (well we still have to finalize legally which takes a few months) I decided to start a brand new blog dedicated solely to the Gavster. But I need a cool name for it. Right now I am toying with The Chronicles of Gavin (sort of a spin of Vin Diesel's the Chronicles of Riddick) any suggestions out there? It has to be something cool. Like my other cyber friends kid's blogs (best blog on the web Alex's life is so exciting!), (Gavin's name buddy), (good thing I get to see Kyle in person because his blog hasnt been updated in ages :) ,,(Little Baby Z cute as can be)

Email me with your suggestion for a cool name for Gavin's blog. Thanks!

Monday, March 14, 2005"

Monday, March 07, 2005

Back to Work

Well maternity leave is over and I am back to work! Man do I miss me some GAVIN! I know that he is in good hands though so that is a weight off of my back. His sitter lives 4 doors down from us she is nice grandmotherly type who I know is going to take good care of him. He spent a day with her last week, and we both spent some time with us while I was home, so I am secure that he is in good hands.

I feel ok about being back to work. I like my job and the people I work with so it wasn't so bad being back. I wish I would have him here sitting on my lap as I typed though. But I will get through it.

We have lots of pictures so I will have to post some soon. He is growing so fast and his features are changing. We are just trying to cherish every minute as best we can.

Gavin is
Lilypie Baby PicLilypie Baby Ticker